Monday, 24 September 2012

5 ways to avoid data overuse on 4G LTE

5 ways to avoid data overuse on 4G LTE

Now that the iPhone 5 has been released there will be lots and lots of people that will be going over their data on their plans, to avoid this the ACMA have released a post, Five ways to avoid data overuse and bill shock from new 4G LTE phones

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has released an easy-to-use infographic, showing five ways to avoid overuse and bill shock, when using a phone on a high speed 4G/LTE mobile network.

Overseas research suggests users of high-speed 4G/LTE networks could use more data than they’re used to and may experience bill shock as a result.

If you follow the tips in the above picture you will be fine and not go over your plan and costing yourself heaps of extra $$$ on you next bill.

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