Showing posts with label openfiler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label openfiler. Show all posts

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Join Openfiler to Windows Domain

This one has been a thorn in my side for weeks, i have tried many different guides to join our openfiler to the domain, each time it would never give me the groups in the listing, then i thought lets just go back to linux basics.

I had already made the change in the security to allow enable NTLMv2 response, this got me a little further as it would add the openfiler computer into the domain computers group but using the GUI never worked for me along side it taking an age to reload the page after it had done.

So what to do...

Firstly i logged in to the GUI and then went to System and Secure console, logged in as my root account type cd / and enter, then i just thought ill just run the string to join it to the domain in here, so i did the following (net rpc join -U Administrator@domain)pressed enter and was asked for the password for Administrator @domain i put in the password and pressed enter and it said successfully joined give it a reboot and viola, checked the group and there were 9 whole pages of groups and all of the users in my domain.

You can also check that it is joined correctly by using the following command in the shell (net rpc testjoin) if it is successfully joined you will recieve the response (Join to "DOMAIN" is ok)

I can now administer my shares using my domain groups.